What I know so far

I am sorry if much of this sounds like rambling. I have come to so many ideas and conclusions during my walk with Spirit, I cannot possibly get it all down but for this first entry I wanted to get to attempt to get at the heart of it all.

About a week before Christmas I had an epiphany where I was finally able to look at myself through the lens of others and realize how my personality could affect others. This led me down a rabbit hole where I came to walk with the Spirit for several days but also to wrestle with the devil.

Several years ago, after coming to the truth about 9/11, and other events, and going through a second spiritual quest, I came to the conclusion that God is real, He can save us if we ask for Him, and indeed He is the Only One that can save this world. But I did not understand who Jesus was. I also came to the belief that if we all possessed the ability to read each other thoughts, no one would be able to lie and trick people, as they have with 9/11 and other events.

This time, however, I tackled the idea of reading others minds, and two things occurred to me. One, we would have to be completely at ease with having our own minds read – and have nothing to hide. And two, it would be difficult to determine which thoughts were ours, and which were another.

After walking with the Spirit for several days, I came across a remarkable discovery. That at least with my children, it was possible to live in the moment with Spirit and have moments be unpredictable and joyful- because that is the spice of life- but also to be in complete harmony and therefore have intuition, and even think exactly the same thing. This happened over and over again so I know it was not by chance. It was a different state of being, where every sound had a place and purpose either as a teaching tool with the Spirit, or a signal of sorts.

There were only a few rules required to walk in Spirit and achieve harmony. One, was to be completely at ease with whatever came- to completely accept and not anticipate the next moment- to live like a child with nothing planned. This was “trust in God”. Trust that He knows what is best, and that if you live in a state of trust, giving, and positivism, then only good will continue to be received. Everything happens for a reason and therefore, we need not worry. This was part of the second rule, to be positive and loving, saying yes and doing whatever was asked of me. Whatever the children asked for, I granted, as it occurred to me that they are closer to the Spirit and more honest. The day would then move on to include very interesting activities and learning opportunities that bordered on genius. The third rule was to be very honest. Completely honest with oneself and with others. I realized that as a person who values honesty and integrity, I really needed improvement. I couldn’t do things that I told the children not to do- and this lesson came up again and again. I couldn’t make rules, that I myself could not adhere to. That opened the door to freedom of thought, and my children began to open up creatively.

In this time, I learned that the devil and fear of God is also very real, but that when the devil is tormenting us, telling us we are evil and going to Hell, that is the time Jesus comes through. The Spirit told me that Jesus was “Love thyself”. And It told me that Jesus was the spirit of God’s forgiveness and undying love – the same love and forgiveness a parent would have for their own child. I told myself that no good father would sacrifice their child to the devil because not only does a father love his child and want to protect them, but that a child is a valuable human being.

I also learned that the Spirit is already an inextricable part of our lives. That it is the subconscious part of us that for particular reasons, remembers certain things or dreams. The Spirit is God acting through us, so while it feels like I’m turning over my life to God, it is really like letting the better half of me take the reins.

I came to understand that heaven on Earth was this state of harmony that I experienced. That in this state we naturally follow the rules that our best for us because we are following the Spirit. Also, we were filled with such energy that we were only hungry when our energy started to falter, leading towards a negative state. From what I gather, heaven on Earth emerges as we begin to see things in a positive light, and as beings of positivism, only good things continue to happen. Only when we are negative do we attract negative things such as finding faults, illness, accidents and even insects. Walking with the Spirit was akin to using “the Force” explained in Star Wars. I witnesses several incidents where it seemed the Force was at work- things required very little effort that had usually been difficult, there was an uncanny ability to draw to oneself exactly what one wanted without effort, merely just intention and a clear state of being.

It was in these moments that I truly understood Jesus’ words, and how everything in our lives actually have symbolic meanings and are all part of a greater plan towards the Bible’s heaven on earth promise. Even the Illuminati and the fake news are part of bringing people to a greater awareness of just how base mankind can become without God leading the way. And I am not even so sure that they are the bad guys anymore. I have seen things spoken against the New Age movement, and the Spiritual movement. Indeed I believe that when we align our lives with the Spirit (also called the Holy Spirit), then we create greater harmony. As we come together in this way, we will be capable of marvelous things, we will age less, be healthier, have genius like creativity- indeed the world will be peaceful and loving. We will be serving Jesus- the one who was created for our salvation- who tells us we can be made new, and that is why everyone will kneel to Him. He is the Spirit of loving ourself, and when we love others, it is the same as loving ourself that is the real lesson of this existence. That is the basis of the harmony.

Shut off the television. Stop finding fault in the world around you. And all that is ugly and evil will all die away. There is evil because we find evil. Evil thrives on negative energy. Bring yourself up to the higher road. Forgive. Love. Give as much of yourself to others as you can, and raise your children in the spirit of Honesty and Love. This is how we transform the world. I came to the conclusion also that the worst people in the world, these so called elites who are pulling the strings, do not think they can be forgiven and do not love themselves. Therefore Jesus is not with them. They are also stuck in the negative state of being called “Lack”, where they never have enough. This stems from distrust in God to provide. They hoard and control because they do not want to surrender- this is the 0uroboros- the snake eating itself. There is a finite amount of resources when people see it that way, otherwise there is actually an infinite source of resource and energy through God.

I also  came to understand that the Spirit subconsciously causes us to leave clues either for ourselves or others regarding the nature of the world. The so-called Illuminati messages such as those that seem to predict events are really the subconscious leaving clues- it is probably often unintentional from the viewpoint of the script writers.

Body language was a big deal and every sensation or itch actually had a symbolic meaning. Left represented what could be and right represented what is. Winking the right eye or covering it was symbolic of seeing what could be without regard for what actually is.

We are in a process of questioning everything. All of American society is playing the role of philosopher to finally determine if morals are necessary – which indeed they are lest we self-destruct. The final goal of the “elites” is the destruction of most of the population. To try to return the Earth to Eden through destruction like the phoenix. This isn’t necessary, and instead all beings can come to the Spirit,  repent and be reborn. We have to love our enemies, pray for them, and forgive them. It is the best thing for our own souls because it frees us from the feeling that we need to control them, or change them. God is powerful enough to do it Himself and when more and more people feel that way, it will start to change the world.

I did come across a conundrum about the will of God. How the devil is the will of God, to show us our human shortcomings in comparison to the Spirit. Even our mistakes had a purpose but then I questioned if we had free will, as in the state of harmony it almost felt like my body was on autopilot. My soul could view things from a different perspective, but I had lost my own will to do “whatever”, and instead was aligning my will with the Spirit. Indeed it appears to me that we are part of a greater plan to return to Eden, it is the only way we can conquer death, but it will be at the pace of mankind. I, for one, do not want my family, friends or anyone for that manner to continue to struggle with death, and if I can continue living with the Spirit, I believe it will be second nature for my children, and I believe only wonderful things could happen in the future.